Loop News
Looping Help Blast #12 – Loop News of January 27, 2023
Hello Loopers and potential Loopers. Welcome to another installment of the Blast. Hope looping is going well for all of you. Please send me any topics or questions you would like me to address in future blasts. All prior blasts can be found at www.loopinghelp.com/weekly-blasts
Loop 3. The master branch of Loop has finally been updated to Loop 3. The biggest change is that Loop 3 can be used with an Omnipod Dash pod without a RileyLink. Suzanne’s experience with Looping with the Dash pod is that she does not have nearly as many connection problems with the added bonus of not having to carry around a RileyLink. I have been loading the development branch containing this feature for several of you, but now it is available on the master branch (more stable branch). Loop 3 looks a little different than the old master branch and I recommend that those of you still on the old master branch go to the LoopDocs site https://loopkit.github.io/loopdocs/ to check out the changes. A few of the other changes include the top of the main page has changed, more insulin choices, the Settings page includes a Therapy Settings category that includes your treatment settings, and the Dexcom G7 (no idea when it will be available here) has been added as a CGM option.
Updating to Loop 3. Since Loop 3 is now the master branch I once again can build a version for remote loading. If you have had me load Loop on your phone previously, have an Apple computer or access to one, and would like to remotely update to Loop 3, please text me @ 858-212-6640 (preferable) or email me at the address below, then I will email you the files and instructions. If you do not have an Apple computer, are new to Loop, or just want me to load Loop on your phone, please send me a text or email so we can set up an appointment.
iOS 16 and Developer Mode. Many of you have already contacted me regarding updating to iOS 16 and getting a pop-up saying that you needed to turn on Developer Mode. I am assuming some of you have not updated to iOS 16 yet, so you can now if you want. Fortunately turning on Developer Mode is a relatively easy task and explained under the section titled Developer mode at this page https://loopkit.github.io/loopdocs/build/step14/. Just follow the directions under Developer Mode and stop when you get to the Build Loop section. For Apple watch wearers, this section also describes turning on Developer Mode on your watch. As always if you have any questions or problems, please contact me. Reminder: Please remember to turn off automatic iOS updates because we did have Loop issues with the release of iOS 15.
That is all for this blast. Hope all of you and your families are doing well.
Thank you for reading this blast. Please feel free to forward it to anyone that you think might find it helpful. If you would like to be added to the distribution list for my blast, please send your name and email address to me at scott@loopinghelp.com.
Looping Help Blast #11 – Loop News of September 10, 2022
Hello Loopers and potential Loopers. Welcome to another installment of the Blast. Hope looping is going well for all of you. Please send me any topics or questions you would like me to address in future blasts. All prior blasts can be found at www.loopinghelp.com/weekly-blasts
Pop up notice that Loop is going to expire. I have been contacted by several of you regarding this notice. I have done a new build of the master branch of Loop. The files needed for loading this new build on your phone can be found at the following link (only for those that I have built Loop on your phone):
The instructions for installing Loop on your phone using these files are attached to this email. If you have or have access to an Apple computer, you can use the files and instructions to load Loop on your phone. Please read and follow the instructions and it should only take you about 5 to 10 minutes to have the new build loaded on your phone. If you have any questions or problems, please let me know. If you do not have an Apple computer or do not feel comfortable loading Loop on your phone yourself, please contact me (preferably by text message) to set up a time to get the new build loaded on your phone. Unfortunately, the master branch has not been updated yet to include looping with the Dash pods. If you have not paid for a renewal or reload in 2022, please send or Venmo me this fee. Thank you.
Looping without a RileyLink. Since my last Blast that included information about the development branch of Loop that features looping with a Dash pod and without a RileyLink, Suzanne was finally able to get switched over to the Dash pods and has been using the development branch for a few weeks. I have also switched over three others to the development branch recently. The only issue that I have heard of is that at times it does not let you get back to the main screen of Loop. Fortunately, the fix is simply to close the Loop app and then re-open it. Now that I have some experience with this branch, I am comfortable including it as a loading option on your phone. At this time, I am unable to offer remote loading of this branch, so you would need to meet with me to get it loaded. If you are interested in using this development branch, please read about it first at the following link, https://loopkit.github.io/loopdocs/loop-3/loop-3-overview/, and then contact me to set up a time to load it on your phone.
RileyLinks. Through the generosity of some of your fellow loopers, I have some extra RileyLinks including the Orange. If you know of someone that needs a RileyLink or that would like to test run Loop using one of these RileyLinks, please let me know.
That is all for this blast. Hope all of you and your families are doing well.
Thank you for reading this blast. Please feel free to forward it to anyone that you think might find it helpful. If you would like to be added to the distribution list for my blast, please send your name and email address to me at scott@loopinghelp.com.
Looping Help Blast #10 – Loop News of April 22, 2022
Hello Loopers and potential Loopers. Welcome to another installment of the Blast. Hope looping is going well for all of you. Please send me any topics or questions you would like me to address in future blasts. All prior blasts can be found at www.loopinghelp.com/weekly-blasts
Can I Loop with a Dash pod and no RileyLink? I have been getting a lot of questions regarding this, so I wanted to get this information out to everyone. The feature of looping with a Dash pod and no RileyLink is currently being tested along with a slew of other changes in the Loop development branch, not the Loop master branch that I load on your phones. However, the LoopDocs website says that this feature will be in the next release of the master branch but unfortunately gives no timeframe for this release. The development branch is not stable like the master branch, meaning it is prone to having unknown issues that require a rebuild and reload to correct due to the many new features that are being tested out. I understand that everyone would like to eliminate the need for carrying around a RileyLink, but I don’t recommend using the development branch due to the potential for having these unknown issues causing problems for you making rebuilds/reloads necessary and that documentation regarding the development branch is very limited. I believe it is prudent and safer to wait for the release of the new master branch so you won’t have to deal with any issues that may arise with the development branch. Hopefully the new master branch will be released in the not-too-distant future so I can make it available to all of you. If you have any questions about this, please let me know.
That is all for this blast. Hope all of you and your families are doing well.
Thank you for reading this blast. Please feel free to forward it to anyone that you think might find it helpful. If you would like to be added to the distribution list for my blast, please send your name and email address to me at scott@loopinghelp.com.
Looping Help Blast #9 – Loop News of June 11, 2020
Hello Loopers and potential Loopers. Welcome to another installment of the Blast and sorry for the extended time from the last Blast. Hope looping is going well for all of you. Please send me any topics or questions you would like me to address in future blasts. All prior blasts can be found at www.loopinghelp.com/weekly-blasts
1) Looping Cheat Sheet: I put together a cheat sheet for a Looper and thought it might be helpful to distribute it to all of you. Please find it attached to this email. If you have any comments or suggestions for additions, please let me know.
2) Annual Loop Renewal and Remote Loop Setup: I have done a lot of renewals and several of them remotely. While I enjoy seeing each of you in person, I know it can be time consuming and inconvenient for you to come to me so a remote setup may be good for you. Since I already have the UDID(s) of your iPhone and Apple Watch, if applicable, I can build your new app and then email the files needed and instructions. You need to have access to a device capable of running Apple Configurator 2 (typically, a Mac computer) and about 10-15 minutes to reload your Loop app. If the remote setup isn’t for you, the good news is that I can also build your new Loop app prior to your arrival and the reload will be very quick (about 5-10 minutes) compared to the original setup. Unfortunately, I am unable to accommodate remote setup or quick reload if I loaded the Auto Bolus branch of Loop on your phone, but I don’t believe I have loaded that on many phones. Please contact me if you are ready for your renewal.
3) Loop User Group Meeting: I’m finally looking to schedule our second Loop User Group meeting for some time in May. Our first meeting was on a Saturday morning from 9 to 10, which is typically a good time for me. Please let me know if you would be interested in participating and what Saturday(s) in May would work. I know last time a number of people were not able participate on a Saturday morning, so I would be open to scheduling a second meeting in May, probably a weekday evening, to allow those unavailable on Saturday morning to be able to participate. These meetings are also open to any other looper wanting support, any potential looper, or someone looking for additional information, so feel free to invite others. This will be a great opportunity to meet other loopers, discuss successes and problems, and ask questions. Hopefully all of you can participate.
That is all for this blast. Hope all of you are doing well, and I look forward to seeing you in the future.
Thank you for reading this blast. Please feel free to forward it to anyone that you think might find it helpful. If you would like to be added to the distribution list for my blast, please send your name and email address to me at scott@loopinghelp.com.
Looping Help Blast #8 – Loop News of June 11, 2020
Hello Loopers and potential Loopers. Welcome to another installment of the Blast. Hope looping is going well for all of you. Please send me any topics or questions you would like me to address in future blasts. All prior blasts can be found at www.loopinghelp.com/weekly-blasts
1) Remote Loop Setup:
I am now capable of remotely setting up someone on the Loop. They will need to provide me with the UDID(s) of their iPhone and Apple Watch, if wanting to run Loop on it, and have access to a device capable of running Apple Configurator 2 (typically, a Mac computer). My son, not the computer science major, was able to load the Loop app on his phone in less than five minutes using just the files and instructions I emailed to him. So if they needed to borrow a Mac computer, they would not need it for long. I will have a Zoom meeting with them to assist them in loading the Loop app on their phone, if necessary, and to teach them how to set up and use the Loop app. Therefore, if you know someone wanting to start looping but has concerns about COVID-19 or does not live in the area, then give them my information as I can now help them start looping.
2) Loop User Group Meeting:
Our first Loop User Group meeting is scheduled for June 13 from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. using Zoom. All of you should have received an email invitation to this meeting. If you would like to participate and did not receive or cannot find my prior email, just let me know and I will send out another invitation to you. This will be a great opportunity to meet other loopers, discuss successes and problems, and ask questions. Hopefully all of you can participate.
That is all for this blast. Hope all of you are staying safe, and I look forward to talking with many of you on Saturday.
Thank you for reading this blast. Please feel free to forward it to anyone that you think might find it helpful. If you would like to be added to the distribution list for my blast, please send your name and email address to me at scott@loopinghelp.com.
Looping Help Blast #7 – Loop News of June 2, 2020
Hello Loopers and especially those New Loopers as we have had a number start looping recently. Welcome to another installment of the Blast. Hope looping is going well for all of you. Please send me any topics or questions you would like me to address in future blasts. All prior blasts can be found at www.loopinghelp.com/weekly-blasts
1) Concerned about COVID-19?
I am not going to pretend that I have any insight that anyone should listen to but check out the TCOYD site tcoyd.org as Drs. Edelman and Pettus provide a lot of valuable stuff, if you have not already. The site includes a lot of good information and videos, especially check out the Spotlight Type 1 Night virtual event. here
2) To Loop or Not to Loop?
I was requested to write an article about what it takes to start looping. Check out your copy of the May edition of the TCOYD newsletter for my article. If you do not get their newsletter, TCOYD also included it on their website. Here Any comments on how I helped you with looping would be appreciated.
3) Loop User Group Meeting:
I am tentatively scheduling our first virtual meeting for June 13 from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. using Zoom. Let me know if you would like to participate. I will be sending out a Zoom invite later in the week. This will be a great opportunity to meet other loopers, discuss successes and problems, and ask questions. Hopefully you all can participate.
4) So Cal Loopers:
This group has requested that I invite all of you to join their Facebook group. If you are interested in joining their group go here
5) Remote Setup
I am currently working on the ability to remotely load the Loop app on phones, so I can help those outside the area and those concerned about physically meeting during this time. I’ll keep you updated on my progress.
Thank you for reading this blast. Please feel free to forward it to anyone that you think might find it helpful. If you would like to be added to the distribution list for my blast, please send your name and email address to me at scott@loopinghelp.com.
Looping Help Blast #6 – Loop News of March 6, 2020
Hello Loopers. Welcome to another installment of the Blast. Hope looping is going well for all of you. Please send me any topics or questions you would like me to address in future blasts. All prior blasts can be found at www.loopinghelp.com/weekly-blasts
1) Ever had a problem pairing a new pod?
Loopers sometimes have this problem and often go through a number of pods thinking it is an issue with the pod due to the error message. Two potential causes of this problem are a RileyLink issue and a miscommunication between the Loop and the pod. Regarding the RileyLink, make sure it is charged and near the pod, the green LED is lit, and, if not, turn the RileyLink off then back on. Regarding the miscommunication, place the pods you have loaded with insulin and attempted to pair either far away or into a microwave. Cancel out of the stuck pairing screen until you get to the option to Deactivate Pod. Deactivate the pod to eliminate the miscommunication (you may have to do this more than once). Once this is done cancel out of the deactivation screen until you get the option to Pair a New Pod or Add Pump. Get just one of the active pods out of the microwave and go through the process of pairing this pod to the Loop. Hopefully, Loop and the pod will communicate clearly this time. A more thorough explanation can be found at https://loopkit.github.io/loopdocs/troubleshooting/pod-pairing/
2) Reminder:
Our first Loop Group meeting is rapidly approaching. See details below. This will be a great opportunity to meet other loopers, discuss successes and problems, and ask questions. We will also discuss how you would like this group to work, future topics and guests, and other communication. Please try to attend and participate.
3) Loop Group:
The first meeting is Saturday, March 14th, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. at 1400 Maiden Lane, Del Mar, CA. David Winkler is graciously allowing the use of his office. The doors will be open at 8:30 a.m. with the meeting starting at 9:00. Hopefully all of you can make it as we discuss all things looping and help improve your looping experience. Please tell and invite your looping friends or anyone that may be interested in looping because we each know how looping has helped us and as many people as possible should know about and have access to this technology. We are also trying to provide remote access, so if you can’t make it to the office, we hope to be able to connect with you remotely. Please let me know if you would like to participate remotely.
Thank you for reading this blast. Please feel free to forward it to anyone that you think might find it helpful. If you would like to be added to the distribution list for my blast, please send your name and email address to me at scott@loopinghelp.com.
Looping Help Blast #5 – Loop News of February 28, 2020
Hello Loopers. Welcome to another installment of the Blast. Hope looping is going well for all of you. Please send me any topics or questions you would like me to address in future blasts.
1) How you could use Loop throughout the day:
Wake up with your blood glucose in the 100 to 130 range because Loop is doing such a great job of managing you overnight. Knowing that you will be eating breakfast in less than an hour, select the Pre-Meal Target (green knife and fork with a clock between them) to change your target blood glucose to your premeal target. This essentially gives you a mini premeal bolus to hopefully reduce the rise from your breakfast and will stay active for one hour, until you enter carbs, or until you deselect it. Enter your breakfast carbs and take your mealtime bolus. Repeat this procedure for both lunch and dinner. After dinner you are going to exercise, approximately an hour before exercising select one of your Overrides (blue heart) that will raise your blood glucose target to help you avoid going low while exercising. The duration of the Override should include the time before exercising and during exercising. Make sure to turn off the Override or that it is off after you are done exercising. Hopefully repeat the process with Loop managing you well overnight.
2) Autotune:
This is a program that was introduced to me by a looper. Autotune takes your Nightscout data and makes suggestions regarding your carb ratio, insulin sensitivity, and hourly basal levels. To run this program, go to https://autotuneweb.azurewebsites.net/ and enter your Nightscout url. If you enter all your carbs, then make sure to check the box labeled “Categorize UAM as basal” so it will not interpret a blood glucose rise as resulting from carbs not entered. You will need to enter an email address, and your results will be sent to you in typically 10-20 minutes. I would not recommend blindly following the results but use them as another tool for helping you manage your diabetes.
3) Loop Group:
The first meeting is Saturday, March 14th, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. at 1400 Maiden Lane, Del Mar, CA. David Winkler is graciously allowing the use of his office. The doors will be open at 8:30 a.m. with the meeting starting at 9:00. Hopefully all of you can make it as we discuss all things looping and help improve your looping experience. Please tell and invite your looping friends or anyone that may be interested in looping because we each know how looping has helped us and as many people as possible should know about and have access to this technology. We are also trying to provide remote access, so if you can’t make it to the office, we hope to be able to connect with you remotely. Please let me know if you would like to participate remotely.
Thank you for reading this blast. Please feel free to forward it to anyone that you think might find it helpful. If you would like to be added to the distribution list for my blast, please send your name and email address to me at scott@loopinghelp.com.
Looping Help Blast #4 – Loop News of February 21, 2020
Hello Loopers. Welcome to another installment of the Blast. Hope looping is going well for all of you. Please send me any topics or questions you would like me to address in future blasts.
1) Apple Watch:
While not a necessity for looping, an Apple Watch can make looping a little more convenient. You can perform most of the loop functions through your Apple Watch including entering carbs and boluses. Remember however that your Apple Watch is not communicating directly with your RileyLink or Dexcom, so you still need to carry your iPhone. For more information regarding the Apple Watch features go to: https://loopkit.github.io/loopdocs/operation/features/watch/
2) Nightscout:
After recently setting up Suzanne on Nightscout, I have found it to be very useful. Nightscout allows you to combine all your diabetes management information in one place. On a single graph you can follow your blood glucose levels, temp basal values, carbs entered, and boluses. Pre-meal overrides and temporary overrides, such as for exercising, are also indicated on the graph. This information can be very helpful in an analysis of your diabetes management. A number of reports can be run for past values. For more information regarding Nightscout and the Loop go to: https://loopkit.github.io/loopdocs/nightscout/overview/ The set up instructions for a Nightscout account can be found at http://www.nightscout.info/wiki/welcome/set-up-nightscout-using-heroku Once you have your Nightscout account set up, enter your url into your Loop app under set up so your Loop information will also be sent to Nightscout. Nightscout apps for your phone are also available, where you or anyone you allow can view your Nightscout info on their phones. Nightscout can be very useful for a parent with a child with diabetes or a spouse/friend/caregiver that you would like to keep informed of your status. The Next Blast will include information regarding an autotune program that can be run with this Nightscout data.
3) Loop Group:
This is getting closer to happening with the help of fellow loopers. The target for the first meeting is March or April, hopefully March. Currently Saturday morning seems to be the preferred time with a weekday at 7 p.m. also an option. One of your fellow loopers has graciously offered the use of his office in Del Mar, so we are getting really close. Please tell and invite your looping friends or anyone that may be interested in looping because we each know how looping has helped us and as many people as possible should know about and have access to this technology. Hopefully final details of the first meeting will be available in the next Blast.
Thank you for reading this blast. Please feel free to forward it to anyone that you think might find it helpful. If you would like to be added to the distribution list for this weekly blast, please send your name and email address to me at scott@loopinghelp.com.
Looping Help Blast #3 – Loop News of February 5, 2020
Hello Loopers, sorry about the absence of blasts. The holidays, a new puppy, and a few other things made things pretty busy. Please send me any topics or questions you would like me to address in future blasts.
1) New Loop Version:
The Loop code Master Branch was updated to version 2.0 at the end of the year to include the Omnipod. This eliminated the need for an Omnipod Branch, and I have been loading the new Master Branch for the last couple of weeks. Not a lot of user interface differences between the new Master Branch and the Omnipod Branch. The most noticeable difference being in regard to the override feature (blue heart), which now allows you to have customized setups for difference activities. For more information regarding the override feature go to: https://loopkit.github.io/loopdocs/operation/features/workout/ If you haven’t read the documents under the Operate tab of LoopDocs, I would recommend that you do so.
2) Loop Gremlins:
The Loop gremlins have been busy the last month or so. A number of different issues have come up such as problems with CGM transmitter changes, loss of settings in the Loop app, and getting a gray loop out of the blue to name a few. Fortunately, we have been able to work our way through these issues, so continue to let me know of any issue you’re having using the Loop app, and I’ll help you work through it.
3) User Group:
Suzanne would like to start a Looping support group. I know a number of you have expressed interest in a user group, so look for more details, such as time and location, in future blasts.
Thank you for reading this blast. Please feel free to forward it to anyone that you think might find it helpful. If you would like to be added to the distribution list for this weekly blast, please send your name and email address to me at scott@loopinghelp.com.
Looping Help Weekly Blast #2 – Loop News of November 20, 2019
Welcome Loopers to my second weekly blast. Please send me any topics or questions you would like me to address in future blasts.
1) RileyLink:
A couple of things came up with our RileyLink in the last week. Both were easily resolved, but I thought they would be of interest. First, one afternoon the RileyLink stopped sending pump data. The signal to the iPhone seemed to be fine, but no data was being received. Plugged it in to make sure it was properly charged, and it started working right away. Must not have gotten charged properly the night before. Second, the RileyLink was dropped on a hard surface causing the case to crack. The RileyLink stopped working, and a blue LED lit up. Unplugging the battery and cleaning off the contacts got it working again. Go to the following site for other RileyLink questions. https://getrileylink.org/faq
2) Afrezza:
Can you use Afrezza while Looping? Yes. Obviously, you can’t enter Afrezza directly into the Loop app, but you can enter it into the Health app which feeds the information to the Loop app. To enter Afrezza into the Health app, open the Health app (red heart) on your iPhone. If Insulin Delivery isn’t on the first page opened, then select Show All Health Data and it will be listed with your other health data on this page. Select Insulin Delivery, then select Add Data at the top right of the screen to enter the Units of Insulin. Enter the Units of Insulin, then select Add. Remember that units of Afrezza do not typically equate to units of your pump insulin. If the number of units of Afrezza you take for a meal is different (typically higher) than the number of units of your pump insulin you would take for the same meal, enter the number of units of your pump insulin you would have taken. For example, you are having a meal for which you would normally take 3 units of your pump insulin, but you are going to use Afrezza for this meal and have found that you need to take 4 units of Afrezza for this meal, enter 3 units of insulin into the Health app. Since Afrezza is not the insulin model used by the Loop, some of the calculations, such as insulin on board may be not as accurate while using it. This method of entering delivered insulin will also work for other deliveries of insulin not from your pump, such as if you take a separate injection because you believe your pod isn’t working and you don’t have a spare one handy to replace it.
3) User Group:
Some interest has been raised about forming a local user group. Please respond to this email me if you are interested.
Looping Help Weekly Blast #1 – Loop News of November 11, 2019
Welcome Loopers to my first weekly blast per a suggestion of one of my looping clients. I plan on keeping this relatively short, so it won’t be a burden to read. Please feel free to pass along any suggestions to the format or topics you would like me to address. Hopefully you will find the information helpful.
1) Recommendation:
Turn off automatic updates of the iOS software on your iPhone. One of the recent updates caused some Loop applications to crash. I will let you know if I hear of any issues with new updates and will be testing them on my phone and Suzanne’s phone.
2) Item to remember:
When loop sets up a temporary basal rate to increase or decrease your normal basal rate, the temporary basal rate is set to last 30 minutes. If looping is stopped due to a CGM issue or you being too far away from your RileyLink, this temporary basal rate will continue to the end of the 30 minutes, then your pump will revert back to your normal basal rate. Example of this being an issue: You want to start an exercise session, such as swimming where you can’t keep your RileyLink close. You look at the Loop app and it shows that your basal rate has been reduced to zero (-0.4, for example). You think that since you are not getting any insulin that you can go swimming, which will cause you to stop looping. However, within 30 minutes your normal basal rate will start, which may cause you to go low while exercising/swimming.
3) Website:
In hope of helping more people get started looping, I have created a website called www.LoopingHelp.com. I am still in the process of making changes and adding features, but please check it out and let me know if you have any suggestions. I would like to add testimonials and would greatly appreciate it if you would send me one.
4) Achievement:
Suzanne’s most recent weekly Clarity report showed a time in range of 95%. Wow!!! Her comment was that it felt like she was “cheating” by using the Loop. Please let me know of your looping achievements that I can share in future blasts.
Thank you for taking the time to read this blast. Hopefully, you got something out of it. Please feel free to forward this email on to anyone that you think might find it useful. Would really like to see more people “cheating” by using the Loop to help manage their diabetes.
If someone forwarded you this and you would like to be added to the distribution list for this weekly blast, please send your name and email address to me at scott@loopinghelp.com.
Happy Looping!!