My name is Scott Lohnes. My wife, Suzanne, is a Diabetes Care and Education Specialist. I initially built the Loop application for her. She obviously immediately told her physician, who was already using the Loop. When her physician had a patient that needed help with getting started looping, he called Suzanne to see if I could help his other patient. Of course I agreed to help him because I had seen what a wonderful thing looping was for Suzanne. After helping this patient, I helped a close friend of Suzanne get started looping. Both of these people told me I should get the word out because they felt a lot of people could use this help. So far I have helped multiple physicians, multiple nurses, and people of all ages from an elementary school student to someone who has had T1D for over 50 years. Helping people start looping has allowed me to think that I have played a small part in helping these people manage their disease.